Serviços Domésticos

Oferecemos serviços de qualidade para facilitar seu dia a dia em casa.

A person in pink scrubs assists another person with a foot bath. The person providing the service wears black gloves, and the other person's feet are submerged in a light blue basin filled with brownish water. The setting suggests a pedicure or spa treatment.
A person in pink scrubs assists another person with a foot bath. The person providing the service wears black gloves, and the other person's feet are submerged in a light blue basin filled with brownish water. The setting suggests a pedicure or spa treatment.
Diarista e Faxineiro

Profissionais capacitados para manter sua casa sempre limpa e organizada.

Cozinheiro(a) Profissional

Preparamos refeições deliciosas e saudáveis para você e sua família.

Acompanhante de Idosos

Cuidamos com carinho e atenção dos seus entes queridos na terceira idade.

Serviços Diversos

Oferecemos serviços de diarista, cozinheiro(a) e mais.

A woman in a white coat kneels beside a couch, attending to a baby held by another woman. A young girl watches the scene. A decorated Christmas tree is visible in the background, adding a festive touch to the cozy living room setting.
A woman in a white coat kneels beside a couch, attending to a baby held by another woman. A young girl watches the scene. A decorated Christmas tree is visible in the background, adding a festive touch to the cozy living room setting.
Acompanhante Idosos

Profissionais qualificados disponíveis para cuidar e acompanhar idosos com atenção e carinho no conforto de suas casas.

A person wearing a blue and red uniform, a cap, and a face mask holds a broom and a dustpan. They are standing on a sidewalk in front of a closed metal gate, appearing to be cleaning the area.
A person wearing a blue and red uniform, a cap, and a face mask holds a broom and a dustpan. They are standing on a sidewalk in front of a closed metal gate, appearing to be cleaning the area.
Limpeza Eficiente

Nossos faxineiros são experientes e garantem um ambiente limpo e agradável para o seu lar ou negócio.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Os serviços da Luciana Ferreira foram excepcionais, sempre pontuais e com profissionais muito dedicados e competentes.

Maria Silva

A person wearing a blue uniform and gloves is pushing a cleaning cart adorned with multiple small Union Jack flags. The environment appears to be a busy place, possibly a station or airport, with people in the background walking or standing.
A person wearing a blue uniform and gloves is pushing a cleaning cart adorned with multiple small Union Jack flags. The environment appears to be a busy place, possibly a station or airport, with people in the background walking or standing.

Contratei uma babá e fiquei impressionada com a qualidade do serviço e a atenção aos detalhes.

João Pereira

A residential house with a red gate and lush foliage in the foreground. A person is sweeping or cleaning leaves off the pavement. Another person can be seen sitting near the gate, possibly resting. The scene includes vibrant pink flowers partially obscuring the view, and the area is shaded by trees.
A residential house with a red gate and lush foliage in the foreground. A person is sweeping or cleaning leaves off the pavement. Another person can be seen sitting near the gate, possibly resting. The scene includes vibrant pink flowers partially obscuring the view, and the area is shaded by trees.